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Rapid events which occur within a split second can lead to months of distress, trauma & damage for you personally as well as having a residual impact on those around you.

Such unanticipated events can require long follow up periods of debriefing, decompressing & deep repair if you want to heal sufficiently. Instead, by acquiring practical & psychic skills which intertwine you can face tough arduous conditions using holistic remedies, walking through the furnace with pure intent ~ converting by way of alchemy the worst of times into your most transformational experiences. Although initially assigned for workplace circumstances, this package is open to any life event due to the adaptability of metaphysical concepts.

Walking Through Fire

Combustion   Identify the daily difficulties plus deceptive energies you face as you walk through an atmosphere filled with demands. Understand how this constant exposure affects your adrenal system & introduces toxins within your entire physiological composition, eventually manifesting in a range of symptoms. This heightened emotional state can erode relationships with those closest to you, leading you to withdraw & disconnect. In turn your mental capacity can become unbalanced & tilt, reaching for vices or distractions that impede your health. Seeing through the haze is your first step.

Medic   Things can & will unfold at speed, how you react is everything. To be your own ‘medic in the field’ you need to be ready & keep your wits about you as this is metaphorically do or die time. Organisation is paramount. Have an immediate self-care plan in place to combat sleep, food, energy, time = all deprivation issues. Stand your ground holding a firebreak boundary, being in full awareness with all senses attentive. Action everything, making hard & fast decisions. Remove additional obstacles which are on the periphery & not part of the solution or at all necessary. Have a financial safety net ready to kick into gear literally buying you time & space to retain an optimal functioning condition throughout your ordeal.

Antidote   Appreciate the immediate impacts & long term deterioration unpleasant situations bring as they pass through your energy fields into your body. A rapid response to remove & flush out the tainted energy is a much-needed tonic. There are numerous methods to select from many alternative modalities which are evolving & emerging. This releasing process will vary but will speed up with greater confidence & competence as you eventually create your own barrier to the invasive & intrusive interference.

Smelting   Extract the gift from the event. Discover the very personal lesson within the process that has occurred & use it as a catalyst for further fine-tuning within your life. Remove unwanted people, experiences, workloads, obligations & commitments to enable a more informed decision-making process to occur as you move forward, a sense of weightlessness may arise. Determine what is now good enough for your life, what is not. What will you allow? What will you no longer tolerate?

Embers   Emerging from what might feel like a pile of ashes ~ with a gentle breath of life rekindle & relight your life again. Witness your growth during & after the event to view how far you have come & distinguish what you are now made of. The hardest moments can eventually lead to the best outcomes both inwardly & outwardly. The smouldering pile can spark into a searing new you.

“You will not be dousing the flames, instead you will learn how to travel through without being touched by the fire ~ emerging with equanimity”


Walking Through Fire
from NZ$50.00