
Step through the confines to liberate yourself

 Some will stumble out from the shadow of oppression worn & tattered, while others will suddenly bolt from confinement instantaneously, others will simply become aware that the years of inner & outer work will have loosened the grip of constraints & the ropes which once held you back or in a certain place will gently & delicately fall away.  What remains behind you & what awaits you when you reach your freedom?

Vestiges & Remnants

Punishing  Pinpoint the source of the power or influence held over you ~ has it been placed there by others or yourself?  Detect the circumstances that govern & wound you physically or at a soul level.  Who do you remain in obedience to, overtly or in disguise.  Single out the conditions which still dominate your time & energy reducing your personal autonomy.

Constraints  Slightly less intense then punishing – yet still cumbersome; define layers of control, drudgery or burdensome obligations that you need to untie yourself from.  What expectations involving people (relationships, family, colleagues) places (jobs, location) or challenges (physical, emotional, mental or spiritual) do you still need to disengage from.

Compromised  Many exist in a semi-compromised state.  Expose the trade-offs & sell-out behaviour you display to gain certain payoffs or rewards.  What cloaked greed or corruption (even at a minimal level) has seeped into your decision-making process, camouflaging or coating itself as an illusion of comfort.

Coat Tails  To have success derived from relying on others is not an accomplishment.  Follow your own endeavours, learn perseverance, drop co-dependency & gain self-reliance to recondition many aspects of your life.  Personal achievement that has been obtained NOT at the expense of anyone else is truly fulfilling.

Deliverance  Once you have Odyssey’d through all of the work needed you may find yourself at that illusive yet empowering ‘Here I Stand’ moment.  This is the instance in time where you know you have escaped & found yourself.  Where you realise you had a chance for freedom & you took it.  Honor & pay tribute to all those around you who never had a chance, so didn’t even contemplate making a break for it.  This is when you know you will never be pulled back, nor return to a life of captivity.

Falling Away   Without the need for outwards recognition, applause of noticeability from anyone else you will know the resistance or tension that once held you has dissolved away.  Allow the remains & fragments to fade with time & distance as you begin to experience peace.  Now teach others how to treat you, turning to extend your hand to assist those behind you making their way through.

“Your freedom is ahead of you ~ but first you must take the first step towards it” 


Vestiges & Remnants
from NZ$50.00