Over time the dedicated removal of knowledge, methods, technologies, concepts & conduct have been replaced with mis-directs, falsehoods & constructs to close down, destroy & erase what were once efficient & decent ways of existing ~ leaving little left to compare or measure our standard of living or conduct with. 


The Great Clearing

Through the constant state of distraction, confusion, overwhelm, interference & obfuscation how could we have known just how far we had moved from what were once harmonious rhythms & natural regularities. How could we even remember that which we had lost to even name it in order to claim it back. This is where you can reregister that you have the capacity to clean & clear ‘your house’ (in which ever form this may be; your actual dwelling, your place of work, your physical, emotional, mental, metaphysical self, people around you). This maybe both a practical activity you embark on &/or operating within the unseen energy fields.  Begin a renaissance of human civility, set down an immaculate state moving either outwards or inwards. This will be a dramatic clearing, a purging, a wiping away & purification on a scale that hasn’t been undertaken in your life thus far, but it is now time. This is a purposeful, extensive & sacred action that once swept will make way for the new.

Curtains & Drapes

The initial realisation or waking up process where light is shone onto the distasteful decay which overlays many systems & influences interactions. To see the distortions that are an adhesive across many fields can take time as they are often veiled to be invisible. As in any successful preparation a thorough exposure & revealing of what needs to be cleared out it called for.

Expel & Eradicate

Oust everything that no longer has a place. This maybe in the physical sense or within unseen aspects (emotions, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, circumstances). Here you are laying the groundwork, what will you remove & rid yourself off to set forth in an unspoiled & unimpeded manner.

Pellucid & Luminous

Here is your all-inclusive detailed clean (can me literal or metaphorical) to eradicate the dust, dirt, grime that can build up, some cast off by others towards you, some as the result of life’s struggle. Wipe, sweep, mop up, dislodge residue, rinse the wide-ranging defilements until you reach a translucent, stainless, pristine atmosphere with ample spaciousness to breathe in the freshness & to refurbish.

Reinstate & Renovate

Restocking of new materials, equipment, tools, natural textures, colours, nourishing foods, fragrances, brilliant appliances engineered to enhance life are all details that will shape your new existence. Which supplies & stocks of goodness do you bring in.  How will you set up your workspace for life, what nourishment can you supply & provide for your family. What repository of information, wisdom & expertise can you construct. Now…who will you now accept in through your ‘door’ & what will you no longer allow. 

“ Raze the refuse to the ground to elevate your new station “.


The Great Clearing
from NZ$50.00