How do you protect & heal those who need it. For potent treatments to materialise during unexpected emergencies you firstly need to recognise the footprints & markings of the abhorrent.


Modern Day Triage

Healers once applied insight & foresight but rarely ventured straight onto the battlefield or into the skirmish, instead they remained protected behind the lines as their specific skill sets where needed afterwards. However, in today’s conflicts the lines are so blurred that instead of waiting in relative safety to aid the wounded & fallen, the healers are amongst it & within it. Knowing the nostrums to carry, having the adroitness of movement & the armamentarium to aid the frail & infirm will bolster you as you head into the incursion. A galvanised stomach prevents against release when the nature of deceit, betrayals & injustices are exposed. The pillaging & privations of this era are harder to detect as they are more subtle ~ instead it is through the continual disruptions & interference with natural rhythms that harm is caused. This is not medical advice in anyway, I am using euphemisms & metaphoric language to infer meaning.

Visualis & Carnticum ~ Of Sight & Carnage

When you look upon a frenzied scene prior to assisting scan the field, notice & consider what you observe. Due to the insidious nature of relentless & intense stressors within a network of systems that are unbalanced & overly complicated with only limited quick fixes that are often far from therapeutic, amalgamated with the seepage from many who have porous & leaking boundaries means many are unprepared for the realisation that the only ground they have known & toiled on has been saturated in carnage all this time. Therefore, as you approach this endeavour check you are a stronger match than it.

 Retardare & Febris ~ Slowed Down & Fever

The deliberate action of holding people back in a puerile state has intentionally solidified an environment where avoidance, deflection, addiction, entitlement, immediate gratification & disproportionate demands run rampant. This decelerating overlay is designed to disturb, disrupt & confuse clear progression. To reverse the curbing & stunting of growth a concept similar to letting a ‘fever run’ can be applied. Within a pyrexia allowing the elevation of body temperature to rise (within reason) thereby burning off or ridding the physique of dangerous pathogens can be a beneficial component in naturally strengthening the immune response. To remove this as a viable & valuable option thereby preventing the process from occurring the person can remain vulnerable & unable to withstand its return in the future, thus the delay leads to worse symptoms in the long run. Feverishness often brought about altered states of awareness where some experienced clearer, sensitive & decisive moments. During the recovery phase a fresh start was often sought, comprising an entirely different approach to life was gained with purposeful & intentional choices resulting.

 Venenum, Insiania & Violatio ~ Poison, Madness & Violation

Poison holds telling traits that once recognised will lead you to the origin of the noxiousness & scourge. A person can carry deep seated contagions festering for lifetimes impacting every action that flows from them, often expressed as ill-conceived behaviours & conduct that spills out of their energy field violating others. Where once this could have been removed or expelled, the senseless & troubling has now taken a front row seat, in fact it is even directing the show, expecting others to bow down. The irrational has become so standardised that the ridiculous is now not merely permissible but is endorsed & celebrated – to call it into question is almost impossible due to such a level of inversion.  For the miasma to recede you need to block the vapour & unpleasantness from seeping onto you & into your life. Keeping at the forefront of knowledge in all fields will help ward off & neutralise exposure to the forcible domination & tyranny that is seizing & engulfing a wholesome way of life.

 Fossae ~ The Trenches

When terror & horror combine to embody true malevolence, when you are running for your life to outpace others nipping at your feet, when you need to regain your sovereignty & autonomy within the labyrinth of dark ditches coursed through the Earth, then you must hold your nerve & steady your resolve especially if you are protecting another & guiding them through to safety. Speedy & successful movements will enable you to cross this lethal & exposed maze. Travel fully packed yet light, thoroughly organised with all provisions, regimented & armed with techniques. Read each situation as you encounter it from every angle before you decide, non-reaction is also action. You will be dodging bullets, mines & enemies of all types, some disguised, some hidden. You will experience cuts, bruises, abrasions, burns, broken bones. You will encounter exhaustion & fatigue, weariness & heartache but while your legs still carry you forward hoist others up onto their feet, use your shoulder for them to brace against & guide them swiftly & competently through the mire. Spur onwards with limited rest to stave off the beast biting at your ankles. Leave little indication you ever passed through. Only stop when you know you have arrived on safe ground.

 Medicus Praelia ~ Curative Fighter

A salutary position is to become a seasoned fighter unified with the art of healing. This signifies that you now know the traps & pits to avoid, your heightened senses will aid in reading people’s intentions. Endurance now pours through you from a pristine & limitless source beyond the reach of many, yet it flows within every cell that triumphed during the hard battles as you survive more than ever thought. You will have now seen the full scope of the best & worst in humanity, witnessed the real face of horridness that resides in some people, the control, the authority, the lies, the betrayals & the disingenuous behaviours. You know now to never give in to this vile energy that takes many forms, instead this is the time for rest, nourishment, deep replenishment & great healing.

Fortunatus & Salvos  ~ Fortunate Survival

Honour the act of your survival. This was gained through your bravery, attained from every step you placed on the ground despite what was raining down around you. From your courage you will discover blessings amongst the devastation & the parts of yourself that felt lost along the way will return. Fears dissolved as you faced them with the realisation that death was not the scariest part. As you grieve for what you may have lost you will come to see the reason in it. Only when you have been stripped of everything you once knew you can resurrect, rebuild & revive what is truly important.

“Non ducor, duco ~ I am not led, I lead” (Sao Paulo coat of arms)


Modern Day Triage
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