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Look within as you awaken to the multidimensional field of existence.

This is where scientific & etheric concepts merge to expose the bigger picture beyond the global construct we find ourselves living in. Stepping into this landscape unsupported can be extremely jolting, overwhelming & will impact your life so I can provide assistance & guidance to join the dots & bring the threads together. To prevent disorientation & to help you remain grounded while exploring the true nature of your reality I advise a gradual approach at your own pace to allow the knowledge to surface, settle & decompress.

Metaphysics In Action

Depending on how awake and aware you are will determine your starting point. For some it is right at the beginning, for others it may be looking into the next facets along your path. Due to the multifaceted nature and interconnection of this knowledge I have grouped information together under 4 topic headings, however all overlap & are not confined to these divisions.

Understanding Personal Energy:  Energy Fields – Chakra, Chi, Vortexes / Energy Bodies – Physical, Emotional, Mental, Etheric / Energetic Signature / Natural Alignment & Activation, Life-Force, Kundalini, Devine Energy  / Energy Shifts, Soul Adjustments / Transmuting Energy.

Realizing Multidimensional Connections:   Receiving & Transmitting – Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairaudience, Claircognizance  / Downloads / Upgrades / Dimensional Travel – Projection, Remote Viewing / Medium / Psychic / Conduit  / Empath / Intuit / Meditation & Checking – In / Gridworkers, Wayshowers, First Experiencers / Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow Children.

Significance of Personal Sovereignty:   Soul Expression / Honour, Repair, Release Soul Contracts / Healing & Maintaining Peace of Mind / Remove Energy Attacks / Spiritual Awareness vs Spiritual Escapism / Identify Spiritual Traps & Spiritual Materialism / Using Discernment During Disclosure & Distractions.

The Manipulation of Metaphysics: This section explores the weaponizing of metaphysics to develop infrastructure which can bombard the human soul. This area is more open to explore, discuss & compare ideas.  The content I bring up includes: Earths Natural Energy Centres / Psychological Warfare / Energy Weapons / Economic Impacts.


“Applying the gifts that I first became aware of age 6-8, which have since effusively activated combined with my ability to synthesize the information which is rapidly unfolding with my own experiences will help provide a frame of reference and coherence as your own quest for answers unfolds.”



Metaphysics In Action
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