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The simplicity of this package name should not lessen the immensity of how quiet conquests can occur. A small disruption can lead to an eminent turning point, altering & improving your quality of life & further defining who you are.

Just Walk Away

Just Walk Away denotes that you always have choices, regardless of circumstances. This must not be confused with backing down, instead it is purposeful movement aligned with integrity in the direction you choose, with the accompaniment of those you select, along a track of your own making. Turn away from reoccurring & recycled patterns, burn bridges behind you so you do not cover the same ground twice. Cease all undesirable connections to instantaneously start again new.


When you have had enough & situations become unsustainable & intolerable this is the very moment you must decide on life over demise. Recommit to living, however this time through courageous consideration specify your terms by selecting & stipulating how you will continue, assign your companions & turn towards your new direction. You do not need to forgo the cornucopia of life’s richness simply due to unwanted intrusions & those who try to occupy your life. With a bolstered & emboldened outlook you can identify just what is worth living for.


Stay in this stance while you fully fathom the multitude of tendrils that have tenanted your life. The sheer number of people who are roaming around wearing masks, acting out roles, hiding true identities, switching from perpetrator to victim & using others for gain can be startling. Be aware of what comes along & who you meet, safeguard your energy by realizing what the brief word ‘yes’ actually invites into your life. Acknowledge all the distractions that take you away from your true focus.


This is what has been hidden, muddied, obscured – what you can’t or don’t see when you are in it. When you have walked away the concealed begins to reveal itself, your vision can clear & that which you were blind to (someone with presumed superiority over you, unequal power imbalances, subtle censorship where you do not get to own your own experiences or memories without someone trying to control the narrative, creating falsehoods to cover the damage they have caused as a means of enabling themselves to feel better, etc.) becomes tangible.


What obstructions & impediments tie or slow you down. Are there encumbers & burdens weighing you down preventing agile movement. Banging your head against a stone wall will get you nowhere, when you chose another route the aching will disappear.


Any interaction or exchange that brings prolonged negative energy & costs you your peace of mind, pressure, stress, ill-health needs to end. Once you see the situation for what it really is shut down all methods of communication, an explanation is not mandatory as misinterpretation is rife & you may not even be heard, it will only drain you. Learn who or what is worth your reaction & cancel your participation so as not to be used as a source of fuel for those who try to deplete others. Make decisions when you are fully informed, you cannot gain back the time ‘lost’ or ‘wasted’ but you can prevent re-occurrences in the future.

“Carry the banner within of attaining a silent victory through your absence”


Just Walk Away
from NZ$50.00