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This package pulls together the serious implications of an increasingly regressive & normalised set of values where subtle depravity, perversion, aggression & other regraded behaviours are enclosing in around many, indicative of just where ‘the collective’ sits right now.


Get Back Up

To maintain strong mental clarity & bypass the waves of reckless decisions & breakdowns you need to know how to detect, counter & move past what is looming. A multitude of ‘things’ can & will happen to you so trying to avoid hardships, frustrations, demands & annoyances won’t work. Instead functioning at your best & learning to read or pre-empt what is coming towards you will help with your perception & perspective during this time.

Some life events are thrusted on you & will force your hand, but chances are what you expect to go wrong or what keeps you up at night will not eventuate, however something entirely random can come out of the blue, so recognising who or what is trying to pull you down underlies all.

Precipitous Descent

When you look deep into the structure of everyday life, encasing & surrounding us are manipulators, divas, semi-tyrants, dictators, overlords – figuratively speaking. A plethora of material where we are subjected to control, division, deliberate confusion & cognitive overload is in excess. Add in domination by others through finances, power or influence as well as individuals who set traps or snares working to corral & ring fence you in. Hiding amongst this you may also encounter the disturbingly cruel level of duplicity from some who purposefully trigger you, invoking reactions of self-doubt, self-sabotage, people pleasing, anxiety, fear, panic attacks, petrification, paralysis & stagnation, taking delight in watching you flailing to secure your footing. Unfortunately, sometimes those closest to us can be our assassin. All the above can open you up to compulsions, obsessions or addictions with the added effects of becoming debased.  If trauma reappears or resurfaces continually from re-traumatising events over a sustained duration you can indeed become a shadow of your former self. The exhaustion & distraction from everyday living in a state of hyper vigilance & modifying behaviour to avoid any potential triggers can have devastating effects.

 Dusting Off

Thankfully, there are ways to lift yourself from the people, events & circumstances that have been torturing you ~ but to begin with you will need to dust yourself off, removing the fragments that stick. Most importantly is to hold space for yourself to regroup & identify when, where or who causes the damage. What surrounds you at this very point, where do you want to be, what must you leave behind & who should you not expose yourself to. Do not request the Universe to ‘save you’ or ‘fix it’ for you as this will become your future default - instead, become educated to read the signs & learn the language within it. You always have options so start to make choices & decisions by questioning who you are. To do this gather all your skills & lay them out in front of you to display what you are capable of, what you contain, what your resources are. Remain slow & steady when it comes to initial decisions – think them through, sit on them, sleep on them & know that uncertainty & anticipation can be worse than the actual decision at hand. Face it (whatever it may be), see it for what it is, confront it, cut it off, then the best part is to lay it to rest & move on to find more dignified pastures. Continually clean & clear out your energy field throughout this process.

 Shifting Freight

Disconnect from all those who take from you, un-feed all who have been feasting on your energy. Remove all low frequency people & circumstances (just one low vibrational person will bring down many within the vicinity). People will reveal their true nature, note who shuns you, who scuttles away & cowers in corners, never entertain anyone with a proclivity for high-risk mis-adventurous tendencies, no more swallowing your own words or pushing down your thoughts.  You may not have asked for what has been deposited at your feet, but as you push through it you will register that you are coping so do not give up, fight for every breath until it flows naturally again. You will begin to make the most of the situation, then watch it transform into something you eventually become thankful for. Only when you have scraped yourself back from nothing off the floor can you truly appreciate everything.  Then start the considerable yet discerning process of cancelling out anything that does not align with you as your stature begins to right itself. It can take time, but eventually one day you will be standing, knowing it is the marking point to move on from relationships, family, friends, colleagues, circumstances & places.

The Returning

How do you know when you are ready to re-enter? This is when what once kicked, pulled or pushed you down no longer creates a response from you. You will never settle for the scorched, barren, sterile, parched patches of scant resources that were handed to you, or take the dregs that people expected you to accept - knowing that if need be you could survive there again as you have just mastered it & now walk sure footed out of it. What once may have frightened you no longer attaches as you have become an elemental force ~ this is you the revenant with visceral instinctive senses resplendent from surviving. Pressing onwards without fear & its associated weight & tonnage. When the timidness begins to vanish leaving just a faint whisper of what once occurred you will no longer hesitate or tiptoe as rapid traction & gains are made as you start to stride ~ while the wheel of life slowly turns & those who once had their sights on your gradual annihilation face their dues.

“That which tried to create my downfall instead became the very reason I rose”.


Get Back Up
from NZ$50.00