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Hold an alert & judicious course during your awakening event.

My synopses here is deliberately brief as a long introduction would require an equally lengthy explanation. As the floodgates are just opening for people to independently delve into knowledge (self-educate), request help, or seek answers from this exhilarating field, there is plenty of misinformation out there too

Find Yourself Rarefied

This package is for people who are already arriving with some understanding of metaphysics but may have already been misled or even damaged during the awakening process. This is the place where you will find a sagacious, sturdy & astute approach to learn how to vet & filter so you are not directed to unwise practices, opened up too quickly or tainted by lingering energy tethers from practitioners. This should be an exciting moment in your life rather than one you need to recover from.

The Fine Line   Of paramount importance when advancing through the copious material that makes up metaphysics you need to know how to hold yourself together ensuring your personal state of being in addition to your family, relationships & co-workers do not crack open & fall apart unintentionally.

Point Of Orientation   Locate your original bearings within yourself to eliminate ill-advised & erroneous mind-traps, movements & the power of suggestion.

Ethereal Healing   This is a hands-on session to remove negative, nefarious or mischievous entities, attachments or tethers that threaten your subtle bodies composition.

Shield, Screen & ProtectEnforce your own surveillance & security modes to recognise & register various concealment capabilities of some energy workers – yes even those working within the ‘Love & Light’ community can be contaminated.

“Come out of this experience rarefied, at a higher altitude & distant from the ordinary”


Find Yourself Rarefied
from NZ$50.00