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Contrary to the severe name & harsh conditions it suggests, the central theme of this package is the atmosphere of a soft, illuminating & enveloping personal & intimate healing journey that follows a period of sustained hellish conditions. Begin to breathe in the still & motionless air as you take the sequential steps needed to create the distance to safety. 

Far From Hell

Following successive years with the impression you are in a warzone, exposed to damage, injury & harm it is no surprise you may appear tarnished & disoriented. Select a secluded shelter to cure, repair & seal in a self-perpetuating glow, embrace yourself with a new sense capped off with personal authentication of who you have become. This package follows the sequence of finding safety, registering the reverberation of shellshock, permitting the healing process to occur & re-emerge with new physical, emotional, mental & metaphysical ordnance & armour.

Inner Sanctum

With adequate separation, time lapsed & distance gained you may recognise a reclusive sanctum ready for solitary rediscovery & reintroduction to where your soul has resided. Take this time to reacquaint again in a stable solid space against the buffeting of life. In this cloister you can work at the subtle bodies level. The atmosphere should be one of a therapeutic ambiance, encasing you in warmth, to feel lithe again, infusions steamed in to extract impurities that defile your system through the shrapnel & debris of life. This is a sacred ‘space’ that you create.


When you reside in your sanctum you can be hit with or collide with shell shock as the nature of how you have existed, what you have survived & how you have been reduced to operate dawns on you. Allow the layers of trauma to pass through (refer to the section on healing) but brace for some of the following to surface as you become aware of coping mechanisms; disassociating, dissonance, tension, toxins, anxiety, fear, burnt out nerves, adrenal overload & depletion. These may have been stored in your body from harmful interactions & relationships, betrayals, deceptions, backstabbing, false friendships, inequalities in power. If you are pulled back into previous or similar circumstances even for a moment you may feel panic, trauma, terror, petrification, numbness or have your sight closing in as your soul seeks to check out of your body to guard against feeling the full impact once more. Know at an ironclad level that within your inner sanctum you have complete protection while you extract & remove this stored energy.


Your wounds & scars contain the lessons which is why you must not let them destroy you ~ but first you must heal. This thorough work needs to be undertaken & driven by yourself but can be aided & supported from others. I have divided this body of information up into three sections: Measures, Snares, Forgiving.


Close off your energy centres (chakras) from all outside interference & syphoning off from others but open up to the Universal level of energy to allow your guides to assist in clearing your vortexes. Look directly at the wound, how did it occur, who was involved, feel the emotions, see it from all angles, address all aspects yet identify your clear perspective & when you are finished internally flush out the energy. In this way you begin to remove all entropy (life depleting) forms, return your life force & close all gaps or holes in your energy field (aura). You will know when the healing has commenced & then completed - when there is nothing left to process, lessons are embedded & you are no longer available for that kind of treatment nor will you be drawn into mindless gossip, conversing or ruminating over incidents. You will move onwards with no fear, instead you will be filled with excitement & preparation for what life has to offer.


There are just a few areas to be aware of that I draw caution to when moving through the genuine healing process. As many energetic injuries can be stored in the body, while they surface for processing & releasing you may encounter some physical sensations or symptoms such as muscle & joint aches, swollen glands, inflammation, flu & colds, temperature spikes, tight jaw, headaches. You may find that your humour returns – often it has now taken on a ‘darker’ level in terms of you find the humour in incidents when others may not yet perceive it that way, this can be due to overcoming what others are still yet to encounter - so your ‘take’ on something will come across differently, this is not lack of compassion or empathy as you will now have even great amounts, but you will no longer be singing from the same songbook as everyone else due to higher awareness. You may become more comfortable standing apart. Overindulging or over celebrating through pure pleasure having reached this state of safety can be common, however you still need to keep your wits about you so go-slow maintaining moderation.  Survivors guilt is real, delving back into the past experiences can be cathartic only if you are looking back & returning for a brief time, do not dwell there for long.


This is a personal matter to broach. Every person has the right to decide if they will forgive, if it helps in the process of moving on, if it aids in laying the event to rest. You decide who you forgive, you decide when & you decide how. You make the terms - if you verbalise it or keep it silent as you do not owe the person or situation you are forgiving an explanation. It may be carried out in your own unique way as a signal for completion & shifting energy.


In time you will feel whole, full (in a good way), more instinctive & alert with heightened senses, ready to face more of what life has in store. Lessons learnt regardless of the intensity or severity will echo through your lifetimes to come as your soul advances with the profound wisdom you have earnt. You can now emerge with your newly activated body, galvanised, re-oriented, cloaked or concealed leaving no trace to the hellish years as they have been left behind & you become ready to face the world again. Who you now become, how hold yourself, the choices you make in future times will have been influenced by how well you healed in this moment.


“It is no coincidence the Stewart Clan which I was born into holds the motto Virescit vulnere virtus ~ Courage grows strong at a wound”


Far From Hell
from NZ$50.00